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theme: folk

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magazine name issue page length
dirty linen 2004/111 43 1-3 pages
folk roots/ froots 1999/194-5 76 1-3 pages
folk roots/ froots 2017/415-6 52 1-3 pages
folk-michel 199201/81 15 1-3 pages
folk-michel 199201/81 17 >3 pages
lira 2010/4 82 1-3 pages
living tradition (the) 2005/61 33 <1 pages
no depression 1997/10 44 1-3 pages
performing songwriter 2000/43 87 >3 pages
rock & folk 1999/378 36 >3 pages
rock & folk 2007/477 60 >3 pages
sing out 2000/v44n4 31 1-3 pages
sing out 2000/v44n4 51 1-3 pages
sing out 2006/v49n4 82 1-3 pages