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theme: klezmer

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magazine name issue page length
cmj new music monthly 1999/66 48 1-3 pages
dirty linen 1998/79 42 1-3 pages
folk roots/ froots 1992/105 17 <1 pages
folk roots/ froots 1992/109 25 1-3 pages
inrockuptibles (les) 1999/h205 52 1-3 pages
jazz in time 1994/57 47 1-3 pages
jazzit 2009/55 59 1-3 pages
lira 2000/5 44 1-3 pages
musica jazz 199407 52 1-3 pages
musiche 1994/16 74 >3 pages
musiche 1996/17 64 1-3 pages
musik 1998/1 22 1-3 pages
opscene 1994/39 34 1-3 pages
reflex 1992/22 30 >3 pages
tracks 200504-5 100 <1 pages