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theme: rap

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magazine name issue page length
cmj new music monthly 1998/63 24 <1 pages
hip hop connection 1993/49 32 1-3 pages
hip hop connection 199503/73 29 >3 pages
hip hop connection 199504/74 29 >3 pages
hip hop connection 199609/91 46 1-3 pages
hip hop connection 199704/98 12 1-3 pages
hip hop connection 199805/113 26 1-3 pages
jazznytt 2000/4 34 <1 pages
sound collector 2002/8 132 >3 pages
source (the) 1994/56 48 1-3 pages
source (the) 1994/60 54 1-3 pages
source (the) 1996/77 67 1-3 pages
source (the) 2002/156 79 1-3 pages
xxl 2006/82 106 1-3 pages